How teachers develop their professional practice is based on a mired of factors that all influence their learning.
Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK), is a term for the specialized type of knowledge educators need to teach effectively. My research has sought to better understanding the factors that facilitate and constrain teacher learning for different dimensions of PCK (assessment, curriculum, instruction, learning) so we can develop more effective professional development and teacher preparation programs.
More to Explore:
- Brown, P., Friedrichsen, P. & Abell, S. (2013). The development of prospective biology teacher’s PCK. The Journal of Science Teacher Education, 24(1), 133-155.
- Friedrichsen, P., Abell, S., Pareja, E., Brown, P., Lankford, D., & Volkmann, M. (2009). Does teaching experience matter? Examining biology teachers’ prior knowledge for teaching in an alternative certification program. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 46(4), 357-383.
- Brown, P., Friedrichsen, P., & Abell, S. (2009) Do beliefs change? Investigating prospective teachers’ science teaching orientations during an accelerated post-baccalaureate program. In M.F. Tasar & G. Cakmakcı (Eds.), Contemporary science education research: Teaching (pp. 41‐51). Ankara, Turkey: Pegem Akademi.
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